Understanding and addressing jealousy in your long distance relationship (part 2)

Mar 14, 2023

Part 2/2

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Feeling jealous “for no reason” is never for no reason. 📣 Don’t get me wrong, your partner may be an angel, but this is not coming out of nowhere.

1. Know that your feelings are valid. You are not crazy or being irrational, etc. I know that being the “crazy girlfriend” was a huge fear of mine a while back. So NO tolerance for gaslighting. Feelings are your body’s signal that something needs to be looked at, and it rarely is just the pure situation that that is creating all the discomfort.

2. Journal or reflect on the following prompts: When is the last time you felt this way? Was it with an ex, a parent, your middle school best friend? Are you aware of the awesome person that you are? When I say you’re the shit, do you believe me? Why would your partner want to risk losing you if you know that?

3. When you pinpoint the source issue being reflected here, dive into it. Don’t shy away or go numb yourself with a good Neflix show. How bad did it feel back then? Feel the emotions and let the tears/emotions out. Externalize as you see fit. Journaling, therapy, screaming at the nothingness out in the woods (big perk of living where I live not gonna lie), talking with a supportive friend or healer are all good, as long as it is what you need. Sometimes that does the trick! If the trauma runs deep, therapy and additional steps to help you will be necessary, definitely don’t go through this alone.

4. When you feel ready, talk about your process with your partner. Tell them about what triggered you, what the source issue was, how you are working on yourself. Your ideal partner has your best interest at heart and wants to be a part of your journey. They want to grow with you, learn with you... Through the good, the bad, the ugly. Vulnerably showing this side of you is such an oppotunity to create intimacy and bring you closer despite the distance. Take it!

Book a free consultation with me to find out how we can bring your long distance relationship to the next level together. There is no reason to figure it all out on your own! 😘


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