Never Again: Pulling the Words Out of Your Long Distance Partner

long distancerelationship tips Mar 14, 2023


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A post shared by Tamara Roy-Stang (@tamararoystang)

Got a partner of few words and a need to connect more? Take these steps to get the conversation flowing:

1. Notice the fact that one or both of you are not feeding the conversation.

2. Take note of the feelings that arise and the stories you may be assigning to this fact ie: They’re not interested in me or my life, they’re hiding something, etc. There is no shame in that and bringing them to light will feel like a breath of fresh air.

3. Have the conversation, explain how it makes you feel and that you would like to try something. Send them this reel even.

4. Get playful with it. Find that code word (or code face) and try it out!

5. Don’t expect an overnight 360 turn but do celebrate small improvements.

A few practical tips might just save you a lot of frustration in the long run or you might want to go deeper into these stories you were telling yourself as well. Either way, book a free consultation with me to find out how I can help you navigate the challenges of your long distance relationship like a boss.


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